Cari and Geoffrey are the best!! They patiently waited for the first real snow to add a beautiful backdrop to their Green Lakes State Park engagement session and it really paid off. Stunning pics in the dead of winter? My southern roots certainly made me a skeptic but after this I am a believer in a sunny mid-winter session. I am really excited to photograph their John Joseph Inn and Elizabeth Restaurant wedding in September, I have been wanting to shoot there for years and I am so happy to have these two lovebirds at a stunning wedding venue!
Couple find love in cold weather at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple stroll in winter wonderland at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple in black and white photograph at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple embrace in the park at Green Lakes Engagement
Woman's engagement ring stands out at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple embrace by the lake at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple in dramatic black and white shot at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple share tender moment in the snow at Green Lakes Engagement
Woman strikes a pose at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple rub noses in the park at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple keep warm in the snow at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple stand against a wall at Green Lakes Enagement
Couple play with snow at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple embrace to keep warm at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple stop by the forest at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple show their love by the lake at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple share happy moment by the lake at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple pose by the lake at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple captured in beautiful black and white shot at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple show affection to each other at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple hug tightly in garden at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple express their love at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple in the middle of the forest at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple get a little sunshine by the lake at Green Lakes Engagement