Elizabeth & Andrew are just wrapping up their final year of medical school at Penn. They met early on in their studies but they didn't get serious until Andrew tried out some serious dances moves on Liz at a party. Liz recreated the moment during the engagement shoot...see if you can spot the epic moment! This very sweet couple are under a lot of stress at the moment (they have been interviewing for residency programs) but you would have never known it since the smiles and laughter were so easy to come by. I am looking forward to capturing more dance moves at your Lodge at Welch Allyn wedding in May!
Couple rub noses at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple share a good laugh in the park at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple embrace in the park at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple kiss in the woods at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple enjoy the sunlight at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple take a break in the woods at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple pause by the lake at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple hold hands in the woods at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple show their affection by the lake at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple stand in front of the lake at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple take a breather at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple relax by the lake at Green Lakes Engagement
Couple in dramatic black and white shot by the lake at Green Lakes Engagement